Why Discount Windows and Doors Can Be One of Your Best Investments

discount windows

Many people are under the impression that replacement windows can be a tremendous investment that can be cost-prohibitive. The fact is if you know where to shop you can find discount windows and discount doors that are affordable.

Where you put your home improvement money really matters. Discount windows are an affordable option, that gives you the ROI that you want for your investment. It is hard to beat the value that you can find with discount windows.

The Value

Whether you are searching for replacement windows, replacement doors, or both, the right vendor is a must. A lot of people make the mistake of searching for the lowest possible price, unfortunately, the lowest possible price is not always the best value.

The best value delivers high-quality windows and entry doors Inglewood residents find are highly functional and aesthetically pleasing. They are installed by highly skilled professionals that take pride in a job well done.

Affordability is a feature when it comes to getting the best value, but it is affordability without compromise that makes the best value. Just because you pay less for replacement windows and doors, it does not mean that you have to settle for lesser quality.

The Savings

One of the best home improvement investments is an investment that will pay you back. It is estimated that you are losing about 30% of your home energy through old windows and doors. Once you replace them, that energy savings go right back into your budget.

Savings will continue throughout the life of your discount windows. It is an investment that continuously pays a nice savings dividend. Of course, when you choose discount windows that investment can fit nicely into your budget.

They Make Life Easier

Old wood frame windows are a constant source of frustration. Between yearly painting, and the lack of function, old wood frame windows can amp up the stress level of living in your home. New windows that are designed to be low maintenance and highly functional make your home a nicer place to live.

The ROI from discount windows includes making your home a better place to live. They offer noise-canceling features to keep your home quieter, energy-saving features to help keep your home more comfortable, and of course, they look great.

What are you waiting for? Learn more about discount windows from the trusted source serving Inglewood and surrounding communities.

Solid Secure Entry Doors That Also Happen to Be Beautiful

entry doors

Who says safety and security cannot be beautiful? Entry doors that are built to protect while enhancing aesthetics can deliver everything you need in entry doors.

Keeping your home safe starts with exterior doors that are built with security in mind. High-quality entry doors are your first line of defense when it comes to keeping people out.

Why Do You Need New Doors And Windows?

If losing 30% of your home heating and cooling through your old doors and windows is not enough to sell you on the idea of getting replacement doors and windows, how about improving the security of your home?

Home break in’s are on the rise. According to statistics about home break-ins, roughly 28% of thieves jimmy open an older door. The fact is older doors were not made for the protection that we need today. Stylish new entry doors can deliver the peace of mind that you want for your home.

Security Without Sacrifice

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that a door that is safe and secure has to be an ugly door. This is a falsehood, secure doors can be beautiful doors. You just need to know where to shop.

You can have the best of both worlds with the right discount doors. Don’t let the word discount fool you. The right manufacturer offers great entry doors at the perfect price point. You can get the durable doors that you need to protect your home, that fit nicely into your budget, and really enhance your entryway. Strong protective doors are the key to keeping your home safe from unwelcome intruders but that is not all you get with new doors.

What About The Energy Savings?

If you are tired of throwing good money out your doors and windows, it may be time for a change. Your energy bill will show a nice reduction when you replace your doors and windows. Today’s doors and windows are crafted to be highly energy efficient.

Of course, your wallet will benefit from the cost savings but more importantly you will de doing your part to protect the environment, Inglewood replacement windows and doors are the first steps to making your home more energy-efficient.

Learn more about how the right entry doors can be the perfect way to upgrade your home.

Is It Time to Upgrade to Contemporary Windows?

Think about how many windows you have in your home. Now, think about how much air leaks into and out of those windows, releasing the heat in the winter and the cool air in the summer. That’s literally money that’s leaking right out of your home and your bank account! Replacing those old windows with new contemporary windows will help you conserve energy to pay less on your utility bills. It also gives your home a more modern, upgraded look.

New windows are a huge feature and a big selling point. There are lots of reasons why you need to consider getting new windows and lots of reasons why replacement windows are more affordable than you think.

How Contemporary Windows Make a Difference

There are many different types of replacement windows, but any new windows you choose will be more energy-efficient than the old ones. Over time, the frames around windows expand and shrink due to weather conditions. They get worn out and crack. The windows stopped fitting perfectly and little cracks and gaps open up that allow air to pass through and around the windows, eating away at your utility bills. So any windows you choose, whether it’s aluminum windows, vinyl replacement windows, or some other window types, you’re going to notice a difference in your energy bills as soon as the swap is made.

However, if you want truly contemporary windows that can be a big selling point and a huge home feature, you need to choose energy-efficient windows. More people are interested in energy-efficient technology and home additions these days. Everyone’s more environmentally conscious and aware of energy costs. Replacement standard windows with energy-efficient windows can lower your energy bills by as much as 7% to 15%, as long as they meet the U.S Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Star program. Look for contemporary windows with the energy star label to save the most money and get a great new look for your home, too.

Contemporary windows that are energy efficient will make a big difference in your utility bills and will attract all sorts of buyers when it comes time to sell your home. You’ll also see the difference right away because your home’s appearance will be greatly improved. New windows make your whole home look newer and fresher, both inside and out.

What About the Cost of Getting New Windows?

Replacing the windows of your home is hardly a casual DIY project you can complete over the weekend. For something this big, you have to work with a professional and have your new windows installed by an expert. Without proper installation, those new windows aren’t going to bring in the savings you deserve or look as good as they could. Many homeowners shy away from getting new windows because of the expense. Not only do you have to pay for your contemporary windows, but you also have to pay the installation costs. It can all add up pretty quickly, depending on how many windows you have.

However, the cost of getting new contemporary windows will come back to you in cheaper energy bills. You will pay money out to get this upgrade, but in just a few years all that money will come right back to you in savings. And if you get contemporary windows and then sell your home, that money will come right back to you in resale value because you can charge a higher selling price. Either way, the cost of contemporary windows is definitely worth it!

Talk to a general contractor about the cost of getting new windows and find out more about the different options you have open to you. Whatever the cost of getting energy-efficient contemporary windows maybe, that investment will bring you an even bigger return.

Replacing Your Exterior Doors: Improvements Beyond Energy Efficiency

Doors and windows can have air leaks that add up to 10% more to your energy bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. But the exterior doors on your home can dramatically affect many different conditions in your home besides energy efficiency.

How often do you use exterior doors such as side doors, the front door, and garage entry doors? It stands to reason you may use some doors more than others. Your front door, whether you use it or not, makes a statement when it comes to your home’s curb appeal too. The same holds true for other exterior doors — yet they hold a much smaller impact on the overall aesthetics. However, when it comes to energy efficiency, all exterior doors matter. This is also true for front doors that have a leading staircase or foyer directly behind them. An old door could be causing you to waste money and raise your heating and cooling bills.

Do You Know When It’s Time to Replace Exterior Doors?

Take a critical view of your exterior doors. If you find rust and dings in your door, it shows that the structural integrity has been compromised. When you have damaged doors on the exterior of your home, it does not look very attractive. When you want to ensure that your home has doors that are both sturdy and attractive, you need to get them from a company that specializes in replacement windows and doors.

Does Opening Your Door Feel Like a Workout?

Older doors can become difficult to use. When your doors get to this point, it’s time to have them replaced. Perhaps they stick during the winter but they’re easy to operate during the summer. If your doors are already like this, that is a sign that the energy your home needs is rushing right out that door. Are the hinges starting to sink? That’s another problem. If the hinges stick to a door jam, the door more than likely has exposed areas along the top, bottom, or the sides where light can be seen. When you can see light from either the outside or inside when a door is shut, there is a definite problem. Use a lighter near the edges where you see light and pay good attention to the flame. If it tries to move outside the door, you are dealing with a leaky door that is letting air out and in. Leaky doors need to be replaced so you aren’t spending more money on energy bills than you need to spend.

Is Your Home the Perfect Target for a Burglar?

Incarcerated burglars have admitted that they typically targeted homes with wooden doors that were cheap. That type of door is extremely easy to kick in. Do you have a wooden front door or exterior doors? If so, you may want to consider replacing them for the safety of your family. New fiberglass and steel doors add an additional layer of protection and are ideally tamper-proof.

Refresh the Curb Appeal of Your Home with New Exterior Doors

Doors that are in poor shape can cause you to waste energy, which translates to lost money. An older door might also make your home the perfect target for a home invasion, which can cost you even more. But if you plan to put your home on the market, an older door can result in money issues, too. Understandably, buyers aren’t too eager to pay top dollar for a property that looks like it’s in rough shape.

Make sure your home looks good from every angle while also keeping it safe with new windows and doors for the exterior. This will greatly improve your curb appeal. There are many different door and window types that can refresh your home without forcing you to plan a major remodeling project. Change old doors for new contemporary styles in colors that will enhance the overall look of your home. Give your residence a makeover — whether you replace your front door, side doors or all doors. Your home will get a new look with just a simple change.

Of course, replacing your exterior doors can make your home far more energy efficient. But it can also save you money in the process and make you feel even more satisfied with your surroundings. For more information, please contact us today.

How To Create an Energy-Efficient Home This Spring

new windows

Spring is finally here, and you know what that means: spring cleaning and countless home improvement projects you can get started on. One goal that many homeowners have for the new decade is improving their home’s energy efficiency, but it can be hard to know exactly where to start. After all, there are so many areas in the home that can benefit from renovation or remodeling. To help you get started, here are some of the most effective steps to creating an energy-efficient home, from appliances to new windows.

Efficient Appliances

Depending on how old your appliances are, you could see significant improvements in energy efficiency just by adding a new fridge or similar appliance to your home. Household appliances, specifically those in the kitchen, often take up a surprising amount of energy. Older appliances weren’t designed with the same emphasis on energy-efficiency as today’s household staples. Making an upgrade may be a bit costly, but it’s well worth the investment for the energy savings.

Smart Technology

For those who constantly forget to turn out the lights when they leave a room or leave their thermostat set just a bit too high, smart technology can help bridge the gap. Some thermostats now allow you to program what times you’re at home or out and about so you don’t waste energy heating an empty home. Depending on how tech-savvy you are, this could be a great option.

New Windows and Doors

Finally, adding new windows or doors to your home can dramatically improve your energy efficiency. This is because different window materials trap heat differently, and the wrong materials will allow heated air to escape. When it comes to a home’s wall space, about 15% is taken up by windows. This means that depending on what window types you have at home, you could be losing a significant amount of heat just through your windows alone. Likewise, the right exterior doors can limit drafts to keep your home sealed up. This way you won’t waste money and energy heating space inefficiently.

If you’re not sure what residential windows you should be looking for, working with an expert to find your new windows can help. For more information on how new windows can help you save energy at home, contact Discount Window and Door today.

What Are the Benefits of Aluminum Windows for a Home?

aluminum windows for a home

Aluminum windows are becoming trendy again, and many more people are seeing the benefits of using versatile aluminum for their home design. Aluminum windows for a home are strong and lightweight, which allows for thinner frames and much larger windows than other window materials can provide. This gives homeowners the ability to have big picture windows and other large, decorative windows that allow lots of light to pour into the home. There are lots of reasons why aluminum windows for a home are a great choice. Learn them all, and you may soon start searching for a way to add this feature to your home.

Why Choose Aluminum Windows for a Home?

Many people choose vinyl or other windows materials, rather than aluminum windows for a home, because they think they have more color options this way. This actually isn’t true. Aluminum windows can e painted in any color of the rainbow, which gives homeowners completely limitless options when it comes to decorating their homes. Aluminum windows for a hoe provide another option that vinyl replacement windows and other window materials cannot: the metal look. Aluminum windows for a home can be anodized to bring out the luster of the metal and create a unique, eye-catching look. You can choose among different finishes for aluminum windows for a home.

There is yet another option when it comes to creating colors in aluminum windows for a home: liquid finish. This is a process that uses baked silicone paint to add tint to aluminum windows. There are dozens and dozens of different color options available through the liquid finish process. Some retailers offer up to 50 different color options through this process, and that’s enough to satisfy even the pickiest homeowners and builders!

Another reason that aluminum windows for a home are so attractive is the maintenance. There isn’t any! While other types of windows need cleaning and other maintenance tasks performed on them regularly, aluminum windows for a home are completely maintenance-free. You don’t have to do anything to them other than simply enjoy them. Many homeowners find this to be a huge bonus because absolutely no one enjoys washing windows!

Choosing Replacement Windows

Aluminum windows for a home are often used in new construction designs, but you can also opt for this option when it comes to replacement windows as well. Aluminum is available for exterior doors and interior doors as well, so you can choose this material for extensive remodeling jobs.

There are lots of different style options available when it comes to picking aluminum frames for windows, so you aren’t at all limited when you’re choosing a new look for your home. There’s also no huge difference between aluminum windows for a home and other types of replacement windows when it comes to heat and air loss. You don’t have to compromise the look you want to get the energy-saving you desire to keep your energy bills low. As around 30% of a home’s heating energy is lost through the windows alone, this is a huge concern for homeowners. Don’t shy away from aluminum windows for a home, because they protect against energy loss as well as or better than other window types that are available on the market.

Should you choose aluminum windows for a home? If you want to have low-maintenance colorful, highly attractive windows that are virtually unlimited when it comes to window size and color options, yes! Aluminum windows for a home are a great option all the way around, so there’s no reason not to select this material for any new construction home project or home remodeling project you may have in mind.

What Are the Best Window Materials?

window materials

Did you know on average that windows take up about 15% of the wall areas in your home? Of course, windows also can be the catalyst for energy losses. Choosing the right window materials to replace your current windows is critical to the comfort and the aesthetic of your home.

Vinyl replacement windows Orange County homeowners trust deliver the aesthetic, energy efficiency, and comfort that they enjoy. There are several different window types that you can choose from that are made with different window materials. The question is which window materials are best for your home.

Let’s Start Out With What NOT to Choose

Wooden windows are charming on a period home but the fact is wooden windows lack the modern conveniences like low maintenance and energy efficiency that newer more modern materials have to offer like aluminum frames for windows.

Most older homes were designed with wood window frames because that was what was available but today there are better window materials that are available so there is no need to settle for a material that simply does not hold up.

Aluminum Windows

Aluminum is one of the best window materials for window frames. Aluminum windows are low maintenance windows. Unlike other window materials, you do not have to do anything to maintain this type of window.

A simple hosing off will clean the window. You do not have to paint it every year or deal with any other maintenance.

Aluminum windows for a home can last for decades without any type of special care. They are durable, look great, are highly functional, and energy saving. In other words, this is the material you want to choose for your new windows.

Replacing Your Windows Can be the Best Thing You do For Your Home

New windows and doors are designed to be energy efficient but that is not all they have to offer. New windows and doors can help to keep the peace in your home. They can reduce the noise from outside sources.

Of course, there is also the aesthetic value. Old windows and doors make your home seem dated. New replacement windows and doors instantly upgrade your curb appeal. The transformation can be incredible.

Learn more about window materials, style options, and how new windows can change how you feel about your home.

What Types of Replacement Windows Are Available?

types of replacement windows

When you know your home needs new windows, you probably groan a little to yourself. After all, this can be a costly type of home improvement and the options are overwhelming. There are all kinds of types of replacement windows and different styles available. Simply choosing the right windows can be pretty stressful, because there’s so much to consider and so much to think about even beyond the cost of making this big change. When you don’t know exactly where to begin, start by learning more about the types of replacement windows that are available and exactly what they will do to improve your home.

What Types of Replacement Windows Should You Consider?

There are multiple types of windows available, but the two that stand out most are aluminum windows and vinyl windows. Vinyl frames provide a wider range of style options. Whether you choose single- or double-hung vinyl windows, you can find then in just about any style you like. In fact, vinyl frames are available in wood lookalike styles. You can choose between smooth or textured finishes. Many homeowners love the wood look that vinyl provides. Wood is not a great material when it comes to choosing between types of replacement windows, because the wood will shrink and expand with weather changes. In time, wood will split and crack. Vinyl, however, is much more durable and withstands weather changes much better. You can still get the look of beautiful wood with none of the hassle associated with this material.

Aluminum windows, like vinyl, are highly durable. Both materials are resistant to scratching and cracking so they provide long-lasting use. Aluminum will corrode and change colors over time, particularly in coastal environments where there is natural salt in the air. This requires more frequent maintenance and touch-ups over time than vinyl. However, aluminum frames are stronger and more durable than vinyl. They’re stronger and more impact-resistant, which makes them the best types of replacement windows if you are in an area known for hurricanes or harsh storm damage. Vinyl windows do requite less maintenance and they are available in a wider range of styles, but aluminum is longer-laster and tougher overall.

Choosing Energy Efficient Windows

In all different window types and window materials, energy efficient options are available. This is actually a huge selling point. Around 30% of a home’s heating energy is ultimately lost through the windows. Energy efficient windows can greatly reduce this, and that adds up to big savings on utility bills. You will actually see a noticeable difference in your bill if you replace older windows with newer, energy efficient types of windows. This is an extremely attractive feature if you’re trying to sell your home. So in any material, no matter which types of replacement windows you choose, consider an energy efficient option. This is an investment that will be returned to you one way or another.

You can look at different window models and styles to compare designs and materials. After all, choosing replacement windows is about much more than material. You also want to find a style that’s going to compliment your home and look nice from the outside as well as on the inside. Take your time selecting the right styles and colors that will best match your house and improve your home’s look. Windows make a big impact. With the right color and style, you can exponentially increase the beauty of your home and show it off to its very best effect. This can be used to impress your family and guests who come to your home. Later, it will also impress home buyers who are seeking out the perfect place to live.

When you’re choosing between different styles and types of replacement windows, consult with a home building expert or a real estate expert who can help you look at your different options and make the best possible decision for your home based on location, weather conditions, styling, and investment return. Take the time to make an informed decision, because the types of replacement windows you choose will have a huge impact for the good or for the bad of your home.

Warning Signs That You Should Replace Your Windows or Doors

residential windows

Did you know that nearly 15% of your home’s wall space is likely taken up by windows and doors? While that can be a good thing for letting in some light and breeze, it can also create problems inside your home — especially if you have residential windows and doors that need to be replaced. Here are the warning signs you might need to replace your windows or doors sooner rather than later.


Your windows don’t open and close properly.


Perhaps the most obvious sign that you need new residential windows and doors is if they don’t open and close properly. This can be a problem with windows, as well as both exterior doors and interior doors. The door and window materials used can affect how well they work and how well they withstand the elements.


Wooden doors and windows can swell when there’s more moisture in the air. Vinyl windows can squeak or require pulling or tugging to open. Maybe your locks are broken from wear and tear or age. Some of these problems require a simple fix, like sanding, lubricating tracks, or replacing hardware. However, if the doors and windows are older or the problems persists, it’s time to replace them.


There’s condensation between your window panes.


If you notice condensation between the glass panes of your residential windows, a film or dirt that you can’t remove, or a rainbow effect, the seal has probably gone bad or you have an argon gas leak. Argon gas is used between the panes of glass to help control the temperature of your home. When it leaks, you no longer have that insulation. Your only option is to replace the windows. If you don’t have low-e and argon gas equipped windows, you may want to replace your windows this season.


You feel drafts.


If you notice that it feels cold near the windows or doors in winter (or hot near them in summer), you probably have drafts. This can be caused if the flashing tape, which seals out wind and water, needs to be replaced. Drafts can also be caused by poor or no insulation or by caulk that needs to be replaced. You should use a high quality exterior and interior caulk to seal your windows both inside and out. If you have builder-grade windows and doors, inexpensive ones may have been used or they were installed improperly. These door and window types often need to be replaced.


You have clear glass.


This may sound like a strange one, but if your residential windows are older or inexpensive, they were probably made with clear glass. Clear glass doesn’t deflect any sunlight, heat, or the cold, so your air conditioning and heat will be working overtime. Replacing them with some of the newer models can provide your home with UV protection or even automatic tinting.


If you notice any of these problems with your residential windows or doors, it’s probably time to replace them. You can lower your utility bill, prevent break-ins, reduce outside noise, improve the look of your home, and even increase your home’s value with new windows and doors.

5 Good Reasons To Choose New Aluminum Windows

aluminum windows

Did you know that around 30% of your home’s heat is lost through your windows? That is simply unacceptable. New aluminum windows can fix that. Aluminum windows are energy-efficient windows. That means you pay less to heat and cool your home.

There are five great reasons you should be considering window replacement for your home. If you want a great ROI on your home improvement investment windows are the way to go.

Good Reasons To Install New Windows

Putting your home improvement dollars where it can do the most good is important for any budget. Milgard aluminum casement windows are just the place to put your home improvement dollars. Consider these 5 benefits that you can get from new windows:

  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Long lasting durability
  • Contemporary windows that match your home design
  • Low/no maintenance
  • Instantly upgrade your home

A lot of homeowners decide on replacement windows simply because of the energy savings. They are tired of watching their money fly out of old windows.

They Last a Long Time

New aluminum windows can last up to 30 years and deliver worry-free operation. That means for the next 30 years you will have the windows that look great and function properly. When you divide up what you will pay for new windows by the number of years that they are expected to last, you can see how affordable they really are.

Great Looking Aesthetics

Aluminum windows look great with any home design. They seamlessly blend in with any exterior and look great.

Put that Paint Brush Away

If you are tired of maintaining your old windows you will be happy to hear that if you were to opt-in for one of the new aluminum window series, you will not have to worry about maintenance. Just some window cleaner and a quick splash with the hose every few months keeps everything looking great.

Instantly Upgrade Your Home For Less

Aluminum windows can be very affordable and will instantly upgrade the look of your home and the feel. Your home will be more energy-efficient and quieter with new windows. You will love everything about these windows. Learn how affordable new replacement windows can be, and how they can change how you enjoy being home.