Why You Need to Consider All-Weather Aluminum Windows

aluminum windows

When it comes to upgrading your home, selecting the right windows is a crucial decision. One option that has been gaining significant attention is all-weather aluminum windows. These windows offer a unique combination of durability, aesthetic appeal, and energy efficiency. If you’re searching for a wise investment that will improve your home’s appearance and functionality, here’s why all-weather aluminum windows should be at the top of your list.

Durability is one of the most compelling reasons to opt for all-weather aluminum windows. Aluminum is known for its strength and resistance to the elements, making it an ideal choice for homes in various climates. These windows can withstand harsh weather conditions including heavy rain, snow, and strong winds without corroding or warping. According to This Old House, windows typically last between 15 and 30 years, but with aluminum windows, you can expect their longevity to be at the higher end of that range, if not longer.

Beyond their durability, all-weather aluminum windows also offer superior energy efficiency. Older windows can be a significant source of heat loss in winter and unwanted heat gain in summer. Aluminum windows often feature thermal breaks and advanced glazing technologies that help maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This can lead to lower energy bills throughout the year, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.

The aesthetic appeal of aluminum windows is another selling point. Aluminum frames are sleek and can be customized to fit any architectural style, whether modern or traditional. The versatility in design options means you won’t have to sacrifice the look of your home to gain the benefits of strong, durable windows. They can be painted or anodized in a variety of colors, ensuring that your new windows will complement your home’s existing decor perfectly.

In conclusion, all-weather aluminum windows are a wise investment for any homeowner. Their unmatched durability ensures they can handle even the harshest weather conditions, while their energy efficiency can help reduce your utility bills. Plus, their modern and versatile design will enhance the aesthetic appeal of any home. If you’re looking to replace your old windows, considering all-weather aluminum windows could be one of the best decisions you make for your house.

Why Aluminum Frames Have Become So Trendy

aluminum frames

In the world of home improvement and architectural design, certain materials come and go in popularity. However, aluminum frames seem to have firmly established themselves as a favored choice amongst builders, homeowners, and designers. This article dives into the reasons why aluminum frames have become so trendy and why they are here to stay.


One of the primary reasons aluminum frames have surged in popularity is due to their exceptional durability. Unlike wood, which can warp, or steel, which can rust, aluminum is highly resistant to the elements. This makes it a particularly desirable material for windows and doors. Aluminum frames don’t just stand up to harsh weather conditions; they also require less maintenance, saving homeowners time and money in the long run.


Another contributing factor to the widespread appeal of aluminum frames is their sleek, modern aesthetic. The slim profile of aluminum frames creates a minimalist look that complements contemporary home designs. They can be customized in various colors and finishes, offering versatility to suit different tastes and styles. This adaptability is crucial for homeowners who want a fashionable yet functional addition to their living spaces.

Market Growth

It’s worth noting that the widespread adoption of aluminum frames is not just a passing trend but a lucrative business opportunity. According to The Business Research Company, the global aluminum windows and doors market is expected to reach $86.38 billion in 2028. This impressive statistic underscores the growing demand for aluminum products and highlights the material’s importance in the market. As more people look for sustainable and long-lasting building materials, aluminum frames are positioned to become even more popular.

In summary, the durability, aesthetic appeal, and market growth associated with aluminum frames have cemented their place as a modern-day favorite. These frames meet the needs of contemporary homeowners, offering a low-maintenance yet stylish solution that stands the test of time. With their rising popularity and impressive market projections, it’s clear that aluminum frames are more than just a trend, they’re a smart investment for the future.

Maximizing Space and Light With Your Patio Doors

new patio door

When you’re shopping for a new patio door, you want to invest in something that will enhance the overall space where you’re installing the new door. According to the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance, the demand for new entry doors increased by 8% from 2020 to 2021. This increase is why if you’re a homeowner looking for patio doors or new entryway doors, here are a few tips to keep in mind to maximize the look of your new door.

Add Natural Light

The type of patio door you choose will greatly impact the look of the space. Not only will it affect the patio area, but it also impacts your home’s interior. When you choose patio doors that allow more light, you can greatly enhance your home’s interior. You want to choose a new patio door that provides the most natural light inside and the best views of your patio area or yard. This will allow more natural light to flow in and enhance the look of your home, but it helps to minimize your energy usage as well. You can go longer hours during the day without turning on lights and that saves electricity costs.

Bring Nature Inside

You also want to choose a new patio door that will bring more nature to your home. When more nature seeps into your home you automatically enhance the aesthetic of your home without making any other home improvements. It also helps create an enhanced sense of peace in the home as well.

Expand Your Living Space

When you install a high-quality sliding patio door, you’ll also expand your living space. The sliding patio door will create a seamless transition from the living area to the outdoor area. Although technically it’s the same amount of room, it’ll feel expanded because the interior easily flows into the exterior space.

Improve Energy Efficiency

Sliding patio doors can also help to improve your energy efficiency. Patio doors do not require any energy to open or close because sliding patio doors are on a track. There are also fewer spaces for heat to enter or exit your home making the entire home more energy efficient.

These are just a few things to consider when shopping for a new patio door. If you’re looking for window and door replacements, please get in touch with Discount Window and Door today!

How a Closet Door Can Add the Finishing Touch to a Room

interior doors

When it comes to home interior design, small choices matter. For example, the closet doors in your bedroom can make a big difference. Choosing the right door for your bedroom affects the functionality of your room as well as its aesthetic. Let’s look at a few different door types that you have to choose from.

Sliding Doors

Sliding doors are often chosen when there is limited space to work with in a room. These doors are easy to use and don’t open into the room. This helps if you have a small or tightly arranged space to deal with. Sliding doors are also appealing to the eye, so don’t think you’ll need to sacrifice your sense of style in order to get the functionality you need.

Barn Doors

Barn doors have grown in popularity in the last few years. These types of doors are inspired by the sliding doors you might find in a barn, and they can be made of wood or metal. These doors are hung on a track connected to the ceiling. Not only are barn doors stylish and trendy, but they also work great for tight spaces that might not accommodate a door that swings out.

Bi-Fold Doors

Bi-fold doors are another option you might want to consider. These doors are made up of two panels which close and open accordion-style. This is another great choice for small spaces that might not be suitable for doors that swing in or open out into a room. According to Globe Newswire, the bi-fold doors market had a value of $10.66 billion as of 2023.

Traditional Hinged Doors

Traditional hinged doors are the option most people choose for interior doors. These are easily available, easy to install, and come in a variety of styles. These doors work best in spaces that have plenty of clearance for opening and closing.

Accordion Doors

Accordion doors are another excellent option for closets. They are similar to bi-fold doors, but they are made up of more panels. These work well in small spaces or spaces that have a lot of doors.

These are just a few options you might want to consider when shopping for closet doors. If you’re looking for quality interior doors, contact Discount Window and Door today. We look forward to assisting you!

The Role of New Windows in Home Security

milgard windows

Your home is your castle, so you must keep it safe for yourself and your loved ones. In addition to having a locked door, you need equally secure windows. If you’re looking for ways to upgrade and protect your home this summer, consider new Milgard windows. Read on to learn more about the role quality windows play in home security.

Better Insulation

Did you know new windows provide better insulation? You can save significantly on energy costs after making this upgrade. When you invest in quality windows, like Milgard windows, you’re less likely to need to open them in the summer. According to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, heat gain and loss through windows are responsible for 25% to 30% of residential heating and cooling energy use. With new and improved windows, you can keep your HVAC system operating at a lower speed but still have it cool your home comfortably.

Home Security System Integration

Like many homeowners, you may have a home security system that relies on alarms, video cameras, and other alerts if an intruder is trying to break in. When you install modern windows, they can be integrated easily with these home security systems. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on vacation, you can get an alert that someone is trying to make an unauthorized entry through your window.

Tamper Resistance

With new Milgard windows, you’ll have multiple-pane glass. If you currently have single-pane windows, those are much easier to break, and some may already have cracks. If a window is cracked, it makes unauthorized entry easier. However, double-pane or triple-pane glass is much harder to break, which can throw a potential intruder off.

Durable Frames

When it comes to the strength of your windows, it isn’t just the glass that matters. New windows mean stronger frames that can hold up against weathering, insect destruction, intruders, accident impacts, and more. These reinforced materials, like vinyl and aluminum, add an extra layer of security to keep your windows in place.

As you can see, new windows add security to your home in several ways. From reinforced frames to stronger glass, they add more protection to any home design. When you need quality Milgard windows, new doors, skylights, and more, you can count on Discount Window and Door to meet your high standards. Contact us today to learn more about our products. We look forward to working with you!

5 Signs Something Is Wrong With Your Interior Door

interior doors

Your doors are a vital component of the interior of your home. Doors provide privacy and soundproofing as well as aesthetics. According to Allied Market Research, the global windows and doors market size was valued at $208.1 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to $356.7 billion by 2032, showing just how important these home features are. Let’s look at a few indicators that it might be time to replace your interior doors.

1. Malfunctions

You need your doors to work right every time you open and shut them. If your door can no longer do that, you probably need a replacement door. Doors that no longer function properly may be suffering from damage, wear and tear, or even low quality.

2. Physical Damage

If the door has sustained major physical damage, you will likely need to replace it. Damage could be in the form of deep dents, water damage, warping, holes, or sagging. This could be caused by many factors, but the longer you allow a damaged door to go unreplaced, the more expensive the repairs might be. A damaged door, especially one that is sagging, can also cause damage to the hinges.

3. Window Frame Damage

If a door happens to have a built-in window frame, and the frame becomes damaged, then it’s often necessary to get the entire door replaced. Windows are often included with exterior doors, but in some cases, it can be used on interior doors as well. Don’t let a damaged window frame go ignored.

4. Outdated Doors

You might also want to consider replacing a door if it’s outdated. Door trends, like other features in your home, come and go. If you have an older home with older doors, updating the doors can really change the appearance of your rooms.

5. Drafts

Doors also offer some protection from drafts. If you start noticing major drafts coming through or under doors, you probably need replacements. Drafts in a room can be annoying, but they can also start to affect your energy bills as well. This is especially true if you’re trying to control how you heat or cool your home and are attempting to only heat or cool one area at a time.

These are just a few signs that you might need replacement interior doors. If you’re looking for quality interior doors and windows in your area, please contact us at Discount Window and Door today.

Choosing the Perfect Color for Your New Front Door

exterior doors

According to Remodeling Magazine, entry door replacement has an average return on investment of 74%, and for good reason. A new door is a great way to improve curb appeal. However, it can be challenging to determine which color may be the right one for your new door. Here are a few key things to consider when you’re choosing the next color for your exterior doors.

1. Consider Your Home Style

What style is your home? Your exterior doors should reflect your home’s architectural style and interior design. Your front door can add personality to the exterior of your home. It can also highlight architectural features.

Choose a color that aligns with the style of the property. For example, a colonial-style home would benefit from a blue door, while a more modern home would perhaps benefit from a yellow door. The right color can easily enhance little details, like porch lighting or gutter colors.

2. Compare It to Your Siding Color

Of course, you also want to consider the existing exterior color of your home. You can choose exterior door colors that complement the current palette or offer some contrast. Considering your home’s base color (prominent color) is essential in choosing the door colors.

Many homeowners choose to stay within the same color family. However, your exterior door can become the pop of color you want for your home. Using a color wheel can help you to choose a color.

3. Test Colors in Different Lighting

Colors change in different lighting. For example, depending on the time of day, a gray color can look more blue or green. The same is true of every color. Some undertones can only be seen during certain lighting conditions.

Painting test swatches and looking at those swatches at different times of day can help you decide on the right color for your door. Testing colors will ensure that you are confident in your decision. Painting your doors can add a lot of character to the exterior of your home, but you do want to make sure that you choose a color you are happy with.

Doors are key to your home’s security and appearance. If you’re looking to install new exterior doors on your home, look no further than Discount Window and Door. Contact us today for more information about our services!

Quality Tips for Keeping Your Exterior Doors in Peak Condition

exterior doors

The exterior doors on your house are one of the first things that people see when they visit your home. This part of the house can make a big first impression, but your doors are also your first layer of security against the outside world. Maintaining your exterior doors is vital. Here are a few quick tips on how to keep your exterior doors in great shape once you have them installed.

Our Care Tips Based on Material

Wooden Doors

Wooden exterior doors are popular for their timeless elegance and beauty. Wood does require regular maintenance, though, to stay in good shape. Without proper care, over time your wooden doors can face issues such as rotting, warping, and cracking. You should regularly inspect your doors for damage or signs of wear and tear. It’s helpful to apply weather-resistant sealant or paint as well. This protects the door from moisture and the harsh effects of sunlight. You should clean and refinish your wood door if you want it to look good for many years.

Fiberglass Doors

Fiberglass is another popular door material because it is easy to maintain and very durable. Fiberglass doors will need some care, however. Simple cleaning with mild detergent and water is usually enough to maintain their color and appearance. This is a great choice if you’re wanting affordable exterior doors that are low maintenance but still look great.

Metal Doors

Metal doors are the best option for optimum security. They provide a durable, low-maintenance solution for exterior door needs. Metal doors require regular cleaning with mild detergent and water. You’ll want to inspect the doors for signs of corrosion and deal with that promptly. Corrosion on metal doors can lead to further damage. It’s recommended to apply metal paint to give the door an added layer of protection from rain and sun exposure as well.

Don’t Forget the Hardware and Hinges

Regardless of what type of door you have, maintaining the hardware and hinges will also be an important aspect of your door maintenance. You should lubricate the moving parts of your doors to cut down on wear and tear. When screws become loose, they should be promptly tightened to prevent damage and proper functioning.

These are just a few tips on how to properly maintain your doors. According to Allied Market Research, the global market for windows and doors is projected to reach $356.7 billion by 2032. In this booming market, you want the best doors for your home. When you need to install brand new doors for better curb appeal and security, call us at Discount Window and Door today.

Don’t Believe These Common Myths About Doors

doors to the patio

Home and business owners are always in need of new doors. Did you know that, according to Global Newswire, the worldwide market for these bi-fold doors alone had a value of $10.66 billion as of 2023? If you’re thinking of buying new doors to the patio or other places on the property, bi-fold or otherwise, there are a lot of common myths out there about doors to be aware of. Here are some misconceptions that you shouldn’t fall for.

All Doors Are Perfectly Rectangle

That’s simply not true. Doors, even doors to the patio, are going to vary in size due to things like the foundation of your home shifting. That’s going to make it a bit harder to open and close, and the material can also warp or shift in size. As a result, your door’s not going to be opening and closing as satisfactorily as you’d like. A good door company will measure things precisely so that you’re happy with the results, no matter the shape of the space you’re working with.

All Doors Are Alike

Some people think of doors solely as entry and exit points to their homes. They value functionality over form. However, there are plenty of doors that have different designs and colors, and they can make your home look warm and inviting or sleek and modern. It’s worth looking at the different types and taking advantage of how you can express your design style in the doors you choose.

Replacing a Door Isn’t Worth It

More than a few people fall for this. Truth be told, you could change the look of your place with a new door, and that’s going to be much less expensive than something like a full kitchen or bathroom remodel. There are times when it’s the small things that can make a difference. You’ll see the worth shining through when you transform both the looks and operation of your home.

There are plenty of other myths out there, including doors being a hassle to install, doors not affecting the lighting of a room, and all the doors needing to match. All of these misconceptions prevent homeowners from updating their space in the way they deserve. Don’t fall for common myths like these!

Still not sure? There are door experts that you can talk to. They will show you their inventory and explain how their doors can improve different areas of your home. Then you can feel good about the choice that you made. Are you looking to purchase new doors to the patio or perhaps new bedroom doors? We have a large selection to choose from. You’ll be able to pick the ones that you want that suit your style. Contact Discount Window and Door today to see our inventory!

3 Current Trends for Interior Doors

interior doors

Updating your interior doors is a smart idea because it provides immediate style upgrades and makes your home worth more money. However, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends to get the best results. Many people want contemporary homes, and you deserve one you will love! Here are three of the biggest trends you’re likely to spot indoors very soon.

1. Changing Widths

You probably never really thought about the width of a door. The average homeowner will receive standard widths and never think twice. However, trends change with time. That’s why older houses have massive doors: at one time, that was what was in style. According to Weekend, a popular magazine publication, most inside doors are about 28 to 32 inches wide and are likely to stay that way for some time. Though you never know what new trends might pop up!

2. Neutral Doors

A few years ago, bright and bold colors were all the rage with doors. That’s not quite how it is right now. In fact, most people are putting up neutral interior doors in their homes. If you’ve seen home-flipping shows, you know that neutral is in and not likely to go out any time soon. Remember, just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for you. If your style is better expressed through colors and fun patterns, that can be reflected in your doors.

3. Sliding Doors

Have you seen a sliding door in your friend’s house or even in a cool coffee shop near you? It’s all the rage, and it’s easy to see why! They provide amazing privacy but also open up to give your room a more spacious feel. Hanging on tracks, they slide back and forth easily, though they’re definitely a bit broader than other types of doors on the market, so keep that in mind.

These trends for interior doors are well worth paying attention to and could transform your home in bold and thrilling ways! Even if you’re not into them, not everybody has the same tastes, after all, there are others that might interest you. Whatever your needs, we can help. Our team loves helping our customers bring their design dreams to life! Just call Discount Window and Door today and we’ll get you started.